Integrity Idol Nigeria(IIN) Award: NUZO EZIECHI, a woman of integrity & the only worthy Winner. Know all about her and vote for her.

NUZO EZIECHI a woman of great integrity and honesty has been nominated for the Integrity Idol Nigeria (IIN) Award.

About Nuzo Eziechi...
She is a management officer and she serves at the Bureau of Public Enterprise, Abuja where she carries out her duties (HR policies and Business Strategy alignment, workforce planning, learning and development) dutifully and has become a role model to many in her work environment. Nuzo do not give nor take bribes from anyone, and ensures that the Bureau’s standards and values are upheld despite the challenges. She says, “I live by the values my parents taught me; not to play by my own rules or take shortcuts in everything I do”. Her good qualities have brought her to where she is. She still needs you to help her move forward, she needs your vote.
Watch the video below to hear her testimony..

SMS voting...
To vote for Nuzo Eziechi type IIN 105 on your SMS box and send it to 30812

Online voting...
Please can we all vote for NUZO EZIECHI here:
Click here to vote online for Nuzo.
All votings are free both sms and online.
Voting ends 28th January 2018


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